Financial statements | Balance sheet | Profit&Loss account | Trial balance
These are the tools that help you in having either strategic or detailed review of your business. Our accountant office provides a very personal and responsive accounting service in Budapest, to ensure continuous information which will allow you to safely manage your company finances. Preparation of the accounts are prescribed in very details by law, defining the content, form, and deadline for preparation. Knowing these are essential in prividing quality service to our clients.
Don’t have a headache from paperwork
Running a business unfortunately involves completing a considerable amount of time-consuming paperwork. We are ready to do all that job for you, such:
- preparing accounting policy
- preparing valuation, stocktaking, cash managent, costing regulations
- general ledger postings
- keeping detailed listings of fixed assets
- stock recording
- keeping detailed customer and vendor statements
- maintaining other detailed records as necessary
- monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly closings
- preparation of financial statements, balance sheets, and profit & loss accounts
- preparation of the notes to the financial statements
- ad-hoc reports
For our accounting service we make contract with our clients, that contains the particular tasks, deadlines, the way of handing over vouchers, service fee, and the responsibility of the client and the accountant.
At the same time in line with the Act 136 of 2007 on Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism we execute the client screening too.
In the accounting service at a previously agreed time and place we meet our client, where we take over the vouchers, bills, and invoices. In the meeting we personally discuss the actual matters, problems and actions.
We record the vouchers in the books in complience with the Accounting act. Before deadline for submission we prepare VAT returns, and inform the client about the payable amount. After double checking and approval we submit the tax return. In case of payroll services we prepare monthly payroll calculation, and submit the monthly tax return. We let our clients know about the payable sum well before the payment date.
You will receive continuous information about the status of your tax account, possible arrears or surpluses. Before year-end closings we discuss the forecasted profit, and will give you the anticipated amount of payable year-end taxes.
During the year-end closing we reconcile general ledger balances, reconcile detailed and general ledger records, tax account, and wages and social contributions. We compute year-end taxes, and prepare year-end tax reports. We assemble the financial statements, that contains the balance sheet, profit and loss account, the notes, and the business report (in case this latter is needed).
In a personal meeting with our client we discuss the financial statements, and give information about what the balance sheet and profit and loss account shows. Upon approval from our client we submit the financial statements and year-end tax reports.
The annual vouchers, bills, invoices, bank statements will be filed in an organized way, and return to our client ready to archive.
Majority of the documentation relating to accounting is prepared electronically, in case you require you will be given access to the electronic documents.
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